Coffee Machine | Python
It’s fair to say coffee is a staple of most lives, as one of the most consumed beverages in the world. That’s why I have built a virtual coffee machine as my next Python project. In its current state, the virtual machine can make you an espresso, latte, or cappuccino to serve your digital caffeine needs. For those more interested in maintaining the virtual machine, you can enter ‘report’ to see the current money in the machine, and the current water, milk, and coffee levels. Alternatively, entering ‘service’ will refill the resources if they are too depleted to make the next beverage. Finally, entering ‘off’ will restart the machine and cash out the current balance. Let’s take a look at the code…

Higher/Lower Game | Python
In today’s world, celebrity follower counts on social media are used as a gauge of status and rank amongst their peers. That’s why for my next Python project, I created a Higher/Lower Game that challenges the player to guess who has a higher Instagram follower count when presented with two options. If guessed correctly, a point is added to the player’s score. The celebrity with the higher follower count is retained and presented against a new celebrity for comparison. Let’s take a look at how the code works…

Number Guessing Game | Python
For my next project, I built a Number Guessing Game. The computer will choose a secret number between 1 and 100. Then, the player must select between ‘easy’, ‘hard’, and ‘extreme’ modes, which determines how many guesses are allowed. This was a fun project to build and get my feet wet with global variable declaration. Let’s take a look at the code…

Black Jack Game: Part 2 | Python
Would you believe me if I told you it was as simple as missing parentheses? It turns out that just a single set of parentheses is what caused all my troubles yesterday. A lesson earned is a lesson learned and I definitely earned this lesson by not being careful with my function calls versus function pointers. By coming back to the problem today with a fresh mind and pair of eyes, it was pretty clear where the issue was though! Let’s take a look at the bug fix as well as the additional code to complete this Black Jack game.

Black Jack Game: Part 1 | Python
To use verbiage from the game of Black Jack, today’s project just may have been a bust. The goal for today’s project was to build a Black Jack game played against a computer. However, like playing in a casino, the odds may have been stacked against me with the hand that was dealt.

Calculator | Python
Okay, so I can admit it… on the surface, a calculator is not the most exciting project to have ever been coded. But, it is a staple project, and for a good reason. I guess you could say by not trying my hand at making this, it would be an uncalculated risk. Puns aside, this project not only introduces a recursive concept to my code, but also uses a dictionary that holds functions. Let’s take a look at what makes this calculator, well, calculates…

Blind Auction Tool | Python
Going Once… Going Twice… Gone! I’ve built a Blind Auction Tool for my next coding exercise. This small project could easily be implemented on a tablet or Raspberry Pi for a fundraiser or other event that is holding an auction.

Caesar Cipher | Python
A Caesar Cipher is what’s on the menu! However, you may be asking yourself… ‘What is a Caesar Cipher?’ Well, it definitely doesn’t have anything to do with salad.

Hangman Game | Python
My next project is a random password generator! This program prompts the user for how many alpha-characters, symbols, and numbers should be included and then randomly generates a string of text based on those parameters for use as a password.

Password Generator | Python
My next challenge is a random password generator! This program prompts the user for how many alpha characters, symbols, and numbers should be included and then randomly generates a string of text based on those parameters for use as a password. This project uses the imported ‘random’ module as well as ‘lists’ and ‘for loops’. Let’s take a look at some of the code: